Youth Lessons About Bees

Hi there!

When I talk about my Honeybees, I feel so happy.  I buzz around like my Bees do.

I don't know about you, but I use to be scared of Bees. I thought they flew around and stung people. So I was really afraid. Now I own my very own Honeybee hives and I am not afraid anymore!

Nobody told me about all the good things we have thanks to Bees.  Because of not knowing the truth about our Bees, I imagined them to be very different than what they really are. They are our very important friends, and we need them.

We want to talk about them to everybody we know, but we want to say the right things.

Just because you're a kid doesn't mean you can't help others know how much we need the bees.  Don't be afraid to tell people how much we need them. Be a little giant and save your Bee friends.

We are going to be talking to you on the next podcast and we want to make sure you can see what we are talking about. You don't have to know everything, but when you know really cool facts and share them, people start listening.

Here are some pictures with some explanations to help you talk about your Bee friends!

This is a picture of one of my honeybees at my own home. They live in my back yard.  

Those tiny little things that look like grains of rice are actually eggs. The Queen carefully lays one in each cell. 

That beautiful yummy stuff is honey. The Bees will cover it to keep it safe. 

The Honeybee travels to the same type of flower and puts the pollen in special baskets on their legs. 

This is Bee Bread. Each cell has only one type of pollen in it. Each flower is a different color so the cells are pretty and colorful. You can guess pretty accurately what flower the Bee traveled to by learning the Bread colors.

This is Pollen. Its great for allergies and many other things. Each little clump of pollen was collected by a Honeybee who put the pollen in their special baskets on their legs. 

This is one of my hives. I love my Bees so each hive has it's own painting on it.  

This is a bird bath one of our listeners had in her back yard. She found rocks in the waterer and asked her son Liam who is five years old  why he put the rocks there. She posted Liam's comment online. It is the comment below. Great job Liam!!!


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